
Corona and pathology.

 Friends  Corona virus has arrived in India. Today there is such confusion in our entire country. In this case, we should have complete knowledge about Coona.  Friends, in order to cure any disease or to avoid it, we should have complete knowledge about its pathology test or lab test. If we can diagnose any disease. Only then the next step can proceed towards its treatment. We do not have any basic information about the lab test of cancer virus. Are its tests available, if yes, what type of lab test do we pass. Friends I've written quite a bit in the second block .In about Corona virus on the subject of prevention and treatment information I gave you your second I give This blog has given me some information about the test . coronavirus to test   The corona virus basic test can be TLC. I have written a lot in this blog about the TLC test i.e. total write count. This test is done to work for white blood cell count. If our body has its The num...

India in advanstage vs Corona

Our country is strategizing to fight corona. The best decision that we can make to defeat Corona is that the test kit for Corona virus has been made by India in its lab in Pune. The obstacle was only for his test because of the limited kit we were not able to fight Corona. Only the very serious patients were being tested. If we were in primary stage Interpretation know they figured So we can stop the advance of the disease and treatment can be. But there was a lack of serious resources at this time. So our doctors scientists have prepared the Kid from the ELISA system of Corona, so that we can detect IgG and IgM antibodies of Krona. Antibodies are helpful in detecting any test disease. ELIZA was the technique of test which is not used nowadays. But most of the tests go to his technique. Now we can find out quickly from the test. Apart from this, we have another good news that the government has decided to test Corona in a private lab, which no major lab of India can test it soon....

India and corona

Two people died in India. But in Europe, Iran, China, this number is very high. I already told you that the environment of India is not very favorable for the virus. Please read my post. But Europe is like a paradise for viruses, due to which the situation there has become very terrible. There are only serious patients being treated, old people are not being treated. In some places doctors and paramedics are in the grip of it.  I told you earlier in my blog that It will do very little damage in India. Because the atmosphere and lifestyle here is the opposite of corona. But even then India is a big country. There is a lot of population here.  India has the second largest population in the world. So far all the patients of corona virus are there. All of them were either people from abroad or came in contact with a foreigner. So we should not contact people from outside. If a person comes to India from abroad. So contacts about 100 people in one day. You can ...