Corona and pathology.


Corona virus has arrived in India. Today there is such confusion in our entire country. In this case, we should have complete knowledge about Coona.

 Friends, in order to cure any disease or to avoid it, we should have complete knowledge about its pathology test or lab test. If we can diagnose any disease. Only then the next step can proceed towards its treatment. We do not have any basic information about the lab test of cancer virus. Are its tests available, if yes, what type of lab test do we pass.

Friends I've written quite a bit in the second block .In about Corona virus on the subject of prevention and treatment information I gave you your second I give This blog has given me some information about the test .

coronavirus to test  

The corona virus basic test can be TLC. I have written a lot in this blog about the TLC test i.e. total write count. This test is done to work for white blood cell count. If our body has its The number increases significantly. So the severity of infection in our body can be gauged. If TLC is around 10000 cmm. So the disease is not very fatal. If it is around 25 -30000. Then we should understand that the matter is quite serious. But it is only one style. It is not a Corona disease strictest.

 * For this we have to take to virus culture. In this, swab is also taken from the nose, throat or sometimes rectum with the help of cotton buns. It is used for viral culture. Its report gives us a lot of information about the virus.

Many tests are done in the lab by putting this culture in the media. 12 - 13 Days to genrate report. But it is not available in all labs. But nowadays collection centers of large labs are open everywhere. Here you can give samples and they send samples in a special environment and you get a good report of a good lab. Apart from this, its antibody test is available . But it is not yet in India. It takes several days to get this test done and get the report. This does not have any special significance for the patient.

 Friends, you can get Corona treated. There is no need to panic. But avoidance is not a good solution.

 Please check out my second block and also see ways of rescue so that you stay safe.
