India in advanstage vs Corona
- Our country is strategizing to fight corona. The best decision that we can make to defeat Corona is that the test kit for Corona virus has been made by India in its lab in Pune. The obstacle was only for his test because of the limited kit we were not able to fight Corona. Only the very serious patients were being tested. If we were in primary stage Interpretation know they figured So we can stop the advance of the disease and treatment can be. But there was a lack of serious resources at this time.
- So our doctors scientists have prepared the Kid from the ELISA system of Corona, so that we can detect IgG and IgM antibodies of Krona. Antibodies are helpful in detecting any test disease. ELIZA was the technique of test which is not used nowadays. But most of the tests go to his technique. Now we can find out quickly from the test.
- Apart from this, we have another good news that the government has decided to test Corona in a private lab, which no major lab of India can test it soon. Samples are taken in the collection center spread across the street. Such as blood or nasal swab and it is kept in a special box for culture test and sent to the lab. Tests in made main lab Now That facility is scheduled to meet in India accepted. we to treat the patient as soon as possible.
- Hydro chloroquine medicine is being used for Corona. Which eliminates the fever of the patient. It helps us a lot in treating the patient. Although this medicine does not kill the virus but the virus after the patient's fever subsides It becomes very easy to kill. Apart from this, there are reports of virus vaccine and antidotes coming from all over the world. Such as China, Australia, America, Thailand etc. it is still in its early stages. Therefore it cannot be called a certified medicine. But soon we will start experimenting to treat it.
- Many people in India are suffering from Corona and they do not even know that they have a disease called Corona and they are unknowingly transmitting the virus to each other. If by examining the patient on time or before time, Corona find out the difference between patients and normal people and only by isolation we will defeat this disease.
- . The sick person is kept in a room and is not allowed to meet anyone. By doing this, the virus has to enter the body for 15 days until it reaches a room. If the person has symptoms of the virus, Is treated. This technique does not cause too much damage to medicines and infrastructure, and there is a fairly inexpensive treatment available.
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